VSSL and MtnStuff
VSSL wasn’t created by marketing focus groups in some boardroom. It was invented by our founder, Todd Weimer, while he was growing up in Northern Canada. When Todd and his best friend were little they couldn’t carry much and had to travel light so they got very good at making the smallest, most practical kits to carry their essential gear.
Todd found himself inspired by his childhood experiences, and wanting to help others be better prepared for outdoor adventure. Holding a Maglite one day, Todd found his muse. He realized that the handle of a traditional flashlight could now be used as a the perfect “vessel” to store and carry essential outdoor gear.
Todd and the VSSL crew haven’t stopped packing critical outdoor gear into VSSLs ever since. But not just any gear. VSSL has found the right mix of quality, functional gear that you’d want on you anytime that you head out into the wild. The best part is how that curated set of outdoor gear is perfectly organized into a single, durable, compact unit known as VSSL.
We’re experts in self-sufficiency and believe good things come to those who are ready. Our essential supplies, purpose-built equipment and compact storage solutions are made from the very best materials and premium components. VSSL was built to adventure as hard as your do. We're committed to quality, and we’ve built our reputation on long-lasting, high-performing products.